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Christmas in February

Maggie & John

Some of the particularly touching parts of our annual trip to South Africa are the Outreach visits to our children living with guardians in rural villages. These families live in crushing poverty – no water, no electricity and often not a bit of food in the cupboard – and no cupboard in which to put food.

Each child receives a bag made up of gifts donated by generous folks at home. Their guardian receives a food parcel, which will feed the family for several weeks. The visits are joy-filled and uplifting. We are always amazed at the optimism and hopefulness that the families show.

Auntie Dinah, Bakhita Outreach Team member, brings in the haul for our first family visit.

We’ve learned over the years, that each time we visit our Bakhita girls at their village homes, there are always several other children in residence. This year, thanks to our generous donors, we were able to provide a gift bag for each member of the household. Now that brought everyone great joy.

The visits ended with John printing a couple of photos on a battery-powered printer that we take with us. The kids were truly in awe watching the magic of a photo appearing.

The visits usually end in song – and this one was no exception.

A huge thank you to all of you who support Bakhita Charities in any way. We wish that you could all be here to witness the joy.


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