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  • Maggie & John

Beanie Babies Big Adventure

This year, as we were preparing for our annual visit to Africa, good friends gave us a bin full of Beanie Babies to bring along. We stuffed as many as we could into every available space, some even getting to ride comfortably in our carry-on backpacks.

The Beanie Babies have made a happy addition to the Bakhita Outreach visits that we make each year. As we go out to villages to see the children being supported by Bakhita Charities, we take each girl her gift bag, specially prepared for her by a generous donor, along with a food parcel for the guardian looking after the girl. This year, the Beanie Babies have made their way into the hands of the many extra children who gather when we come around. These three kids immediately went into play mode, making up games, smiling with joy, cherishing their only toy.

People are very grateful to know that someone is thinking of them and even the smallest gift is a cause for joy. A hardworking granny who is caring for several grandchildren is, of course, happy to receive food, but celebrates a gift of a new apron – something just for her. Whether it’s a new ballpoint pen, a book, new socks or a lollipop, appreciation abounds.

Those Beanie Babies have never felt such love. They are having quite an adventure.

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