Empty Suitcases
On the Feast Day of St. Bakhita, February 8, we were welcomed to Bakhita Village with prayers, songs and dancing.

The following day, along with Sisters and Bakhita Village house mothers, we distributed all the lovely gift bags provided by friends and CTR parishioners. The girls carefully looked at each note or card before digging into the bags.

The girls were overwhelmed with joy at receiving new clothes, shoes and toys. Even the girls who were formerly living at Bakhita Village and have now moved on to St. Brendan's Boarding School got in on the action; each received a nice gift.

Afterwards they put on their new dresses and posed for a photo before the singing and dancing began.

Then we all looked at those empty suitcases and said a prayer of thanks for the many generous people who keep Bakhita Village open. We are all thankful for the blessings we've received from folks at home.