10th Anniversary Celebration - February 11, 2012

The 10th Anniversary of Bakhita Village was a wonderful day for all the girls who have been part of Bakhita Village life and for the all the loyal, hardworking and generous people who give of their talent, time and treasure to help keep this great place going.
In a letter after the celebration, Sister Merrilyn Lee, Director of Bakhita Village, writes in part:
The Bakhita Village Birthday celebration was a Golden Day for all. It was a day to enjoy and I am sure all who were present had a very happy birthday for Bakhita Village. There were many things that helped it to be a day to remember. It was just a few days after the Feast of St Bakhita and her presence was tangible in the joy, laughter, music and memories shared.
Since the beginning of Bakhita Village in 2002 the support of many friends through volunteering both time and money, prayer and faith have ensured this is little haven of safety and security for orphan and vulnerable girls. Volunteers and benefactors from the first days until today helped the day to be special, to be brilliant.
Maggie Strydom a wonderful friend, volunteer and worker was able to get support from the local suppliers to sponsor parts of the celebration with chicken and sausages. A big contributor to the whole day was the bread company Sasko who came with their promotion van with tents, flags AND a PA system with music. Imagine the girls delight dancing on stage. They even spontaneously began a dance competition appointing judges and all! One local organization provided bright yellow t-shirts with the Bakhita Village logo for all the girls and carers.
So many have been part of Bakhita for 10 years and we thank you very much for your support, your interest and the funds you send to help us to keep going. On behalf of these little ones of Jesus, we say thank you.