Opening Day - January 18, 2002
January 18, 2002 was a day to remember. It was the "Grand Opening" of Bakhita Village, the new boarding home for young girls who have been orphaned due to the devastating AIDS pandemic. The 14 little girls arrived and moved into their new home with all their belongings, which for some were the clothes they were wearing.
There was some apprehension on the part of the girls as they did not know each other at all and everything was very new to them. Within a few hours one of the "house mothers", a woman from the local village, had them all lined up singing songs to the visitors who were stopping in to welcome them.
A short time later during the heat of the afternoon a rain storm blew in and the girls all ran outside to play in the cool rain, holding hands and dancing .
We checked the next morning to see how the first night's sleep went and heard that one of the girls was so enthralled with running water that she had gotten up during the night to take her second bath.
On Monday morning, decked out in new school uniforms and book bags, they walked two kilometers to their first day at school, something that they had not been able to do since the illness and death of their parents.